Friday, 7 May 2010

Kisses, Proposals and Liquorice Pontefract Cakes

After speaking to Suzannah last night, I am on a buzz to keep things rolling within my project. So off I went to the care-home today and what a day I had!
After my sat-nav decided to take me completely the wrong way for no reason at all, and after using half a tank of petrol and driving almost 80miles without getting anywhere, I finally reached the home with the help of a lady called Petra, who works at the home.

I got to meet the home manager today which was lovely, her name is Monica and she seems keen for the project. I asked to speak with my “regulars” Dorothy and Geoffrey, Robin and the infamous Adelaide, “who loves her dancing”.

It was such a nice feeling to go back in and they all recognise me and asked how I was, as well as this I felt like I was part of the place, I felt like I was part of their community. We spoke about relationships during the war, kisses goodnight and dancing. They told me how they proposed or how they were proposed to; two of the ladies still wear their ring to this day and have never taken it off. Today for me was lovely, there were some truly magical moments today and because I knew exactly what I wanted to find out it meant the conversation was more detailed.

Adelaide is 93 and started dating Christopher at the age of 14, she was married by 21 and he was sent off to Italy to fight and died after being married to each other after just 2 years. To this day she still loves him and he will always be the love of her life. It's people like Adelaide that show that true love does exist. Memories like this make my project so much more worthwhile and amazing, I have learnt so much and can’t wait for it to continue.
On top of all of this, each and everyone one of them used to eat liquorice Pontefract cakes…just a random fact!    

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